
KH2FM Random Number

Address 0034D8A8

This address can be adjusted relatively easly because it does not move too often.
For example, Terra uses Rising Sun if we go to the battle immediately after turning on PS2. It is because this address is fixed in this case. Besides, in the opening of Critical Mode Speedrun, this address is manipulated to fix Dusk's action. In the opening of Data Org Speedrun, this address is manipulated to fix Xaldin's action.


Example. Forced revenge of Data Xaldin 3rd stage.
00000000 ~ 4CCCCCCC : jump
4CCCCCCD ~ B3333333 : wind → DM
B3333334 ~ FFFFFFFF : DM

■Timing of moving


Linear congruential generators.
a1 = 00000001,  an+1 = an × 10DCD mod 100000000
00000001 → 00010dcd → 1c587629 → a6ffb3d5 → ···.

Address 003638D0



■Timing of moving



Linear congruential generators.
a1 = 00010dcd,  an+1 = an × 10DCD mod 100000000
00010dcd → 1c587629 → a6ffb3d5 → ···.

inserted by FC2 system